Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence
The Maguzzano Abbey is owned and managed by the Don Calabria Institute – Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence, which is based in San Zeno in Monte, Verona.
After being for some years the seat of a group of Trappist monks from Algeria, the Abbey was purchased in 1938 by Don Giovanni Calabria (canonised in 1999 by Pope John Paul II) who began a work of re-use of the spaces in a “spiritual” function.
Alongside this activity, Don Calabria dedicated himself during his life to many other pastoral activities: from parishes to ecumenism, from assistance to the sick to the training of priests.

Abbazia di Maguzzano
Via Maguzzano, 4
25017 Lonato
Brescia - Italy
Tel. 030 9130182
Find us on the map
P.iva 00280090234
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